
Repro.go has three configurable parameters - config, count, debug.

flagConfig  = flag.String("config", "", "manager configuration file (manager.cfg)")
flagCount  = flag.Int("count", 0, "number of VMs to use (overrides config count param)")
flagDebug  = flag.Bool("debug", false, "print debug output")

In L34, it loads config file from flagConfig. In L38, it fetches the first argument, e.g., the log file provided and read the data from this file. In L46 to L60, it initializes virtual machine setting based on flagDebug and vmCount. In L61, it creates one new reporter. Its implementation is in pkg/report/report.go:84. Here I don’t quite understand the meaning of compileRegexps. However, the return value is reportWrapper. Its definition is as follows:

type  reporterWrapper  struct {
	suppressions []*regexp.Regexp
	typ string

And the first field in reportWrapper is one anonymous filed and it is created by ctor or ctroLinux in Linux OS. In L67, it directly call repro.Run to execute data extracting from syzkaller log.

res, stats, err  := repro.Run(data, cfg, reporter, vmPool, vmIndexes)

This function is defined in pkg/repro/repro.go:62. In L71, it first extracts the corresponding entries in the crash log. In L77, crash log is parsed by reporter created before. The concrete implementation of reporter.Parse for Linux OS is in pkg/report/linux.go:131. It should be noted that Symbolize is used to transform call trace in binary format to source code format. The magic is nothing but addr2line. In L100, it prepares one ctx with context type. Then it starts those vms in the vm pool, copies syz-executor, syz-execprog to target vm. In L174, it calls ctx.repro to reproduce the crash based on this context.

In the following, repro is defined in L200 of the same file. Next, in this function, it will sequentially call ctx.extractProg, ctx.minimizeProg, ctx.extractC, ctx.simplifyProg/ctx.simplifyC. And all those functions are all defined in the same file. We only care about the first part - ctx.extractProg(pkg/repor/repro.go:256). In L265, it first extracts the last program on every Proc. (The first loop gets the relationship between proc and entry index. The second loop adds all the indexes to one list. The third loop organizes those into another list)

// Extract last program on every proc.
procs := make(map[int]int)
for i, ent := range entries {
    procs[ent.Proc] = i
var indices []int
for _, idx := range procs {
    indices = append(indices, idx)
var lastEntries []*prog.LogEntry
for i := len(indices) - 1; i >= 0; i-- {
    lastEntries = append(lastEntries, entries[indices[i]])

In L280, it leverages ctx.extractProgSingle to execute the reversed entries obtained in the previous step. In ctx.extractProgSingle(pkg/repro/repro.go:309), it traverses the entry list and tests each program with ctx.testProg in the virtual machine. In ctx.extractProgBisect(pkg/repro/repro.go:342), it selects/bisects multiple guilty programs with ctx.bisectProgs that has the corresponding detail of bisection. Finally, it will concatenate those programs into one. For the merged program, it first tries to reproduce without fault injection. If it does not work, then fault injection will be facilitated to reproduce this crash. In addition, let me introduce some details of testProg, it is a special case for testProgs. In this function, it encodes all the entries, and writes the result into one file. Following, it copies this file into the virtual machine. Finally, it will calls syz-execprog to try to reproduce newly captured crashs.

command  := instancePkg.ExecprogCmd(inst.execprogBin, inst.executorBin,
ctx.cfg.TargetOS, ctx.cfg.TargetArch, opts.Sandbox, opts.Repeat,
opts.Threaded, opts.Collide, opts.Procs, -1, -1, vmProgFile)
ctx.reproLog(2, "testing program (duration=%v, %+v): %s", duration, opts, program)
ctx.reproLog(3, "detailed listing:\n%s", pstr)
return ctx.testImpl(inst.Instance, command, duration)

At the same time,

func (ctx *context) testImpl(inst *vm.Instance, command string, duration time.Duration) (crashed bool, err error) {
	outc, errc, err  := inst.Run(duration, nil, command)
	if err !=  nil {
		return  false, fmt.Errorf("failed to run command in VM: %v", err)
	rep  := inst.MonitorExecution(outc, errc, ctx.reporter,

For our situation, our vm type is “qemu”. Then inst.Run and inst.MointorExecution are implemented in vm/qemu/qemu.go.